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RCC Missions Africa 

Matthew28:1920 initiative

Project: African Harvest

Missionary efforts of RCC over the years established several Rehoboth congregations on the African continent through the partnership with local pastors in those areas  of West Africa.

RCC is privileged to be a part of God’s move on the great continent of Africa with more church planting, Bible colleges,  Bible distribution, food and clothing distribution, and leadership conferences and seminars.


 How You Can Get Involved

RCC  Missions  Africa can be supported by giving, and by your prayers and fasting. 

Project: African Harvest 

or Donate online on our Donate page, or donate during our worship services

CashApp  404-246-1454

or by Zelle using phone number 404-246-1454

Please clearly mark "AFRICAN HARVEST" on all your donations to this mission.



The Great Commission is our Vision. Win souls, plant new churches, construct new church buildings while building up 

strong believers  for Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God.


Matthew 28:19-20:

19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,

20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.




Children’s Ministry teaches the Word of God with simplicity and understanding in a fun, loving, and safe environment.




Rehoboth's Youth Experience is the middle school and the teen ministry of RCC. We serve students grades 6-12. We inspire young people to experience God's presence in their lives, proclaiming Jesus Christ as the ultimate leader of this "NOW generation".




At RCC, we encourage spiritual development. Our volunteer ministries include ushers, praise team, musicians, parking lot, audio/ visual, hospitality, compassion and care ministry visiting the sick and shut-in, community outreach, and a few others.

Pray and ask God to show you the ministry in which you are graced to serve. Once you have made your choice, e-mail us at to obtain the contact information for the ministry you would like to join. You may also call us at 404-246-1454.




Raising up young adults to know and embrace who God really is, not whom the world says He is. If you are ready to SHIFT from just knowing about God to a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ, join us!


SHIFT meets Tuesday nights from 7:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M in Midweek Connection beginning on  Tuesday, January 16, 2024. Whether you are married, single, in college, in your senior year of high school, or just trying to figure it out, join us for live worship, group discussions, and so much more! Are you ready to SHIFT?






 Serving is the perfect opportunity to grow and connect with others and uncover your ministry. 


Serving Opportunities 


Take a look and see where you will have an impact.


Guest Experience/ Ushers

Children  and Youth


Young Adults


Pastoral Care / Prayer Team / Home and Hospital visits

New Believers / New Members /  LifeGroups

Production/ Audio/Visual

Community Transformation / Outreach

Women's Ministry

Men's Ministry

Music and Praise 


​Join the Team and be a part of sharing the love and presence of God with our Rehoboth family and guests!

  • Greeters/Ushers

  • Parking Lot

  • Sanctuary care

  • and more

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E-mail (required)
Send your request to:

Rehoboth Christian Church
6516 Rockbridge Road, Stone Mountain, GA  30087
Phone #: 404-246-1454


Midweek Connection 2025
More great get-togethers for Biblical teaching,
worship, fellowship and prayer

Leadership classes every 3rd Friday
7 p.m. to 10 p.m.  (2025 registration has ended)

Rehoboth Christian Church
6516 Rockbridge Road
Stone Mountain GA 30087

Friday, April 18, 2025
7 p.m

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